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House style analysis: Kerrang

Throughout the front page and contents page, a clear house style is shown, this shown in the white background, red headings and bold fonts. The people shown in the picture are also all in similar dark, black clothes, which represents the metal rock music genre they are based in. Throughout both pages you feel the sense of rock music through cracked and shattered fonts and the people shown. 

From the front page, the house style presents the colours Red, Black, Yellow and white. The texts fonts are rigid and attempt to look like handwriting at some points. The clothing on the artists is dark and the background has black dot and lines which make up the blank spaces and add to the page designs.The bolder colours (Red and Yellow) are there to stand out amongst other magazines and also draw the attention in from the reader. The dark clothing represents the artist and the genre he is involved in, rock. The dark, black clothing may resemble the readers and how they like to dress making it relatable to the reader.

From the contents page, the colours presented are Black, Yellow, Red and white, this colour scheme follows the house style also presented in the front page. The text becomes more formal and the fonts become much easier to read with it being less looking like handwriting and less rigid. The red and yellow are there for the titles and numbers which means they stand out and are the first thing the readers see. The pictures on the page also features many bands all wearing dark clothes representing the genre promoted by KERRANG! 

In the double page spread, the main colours presented are white, black and purple. This fits along with the house style shown earlier in the magazine, such as the contents page and cover, except the bolder reds and yellows are replaced with the purple which can represent the artist and be a colour related to them. The fonts are similar to the ones presented earlier in the magazine with some being rigid and bold, whilst some of the text is easier to read and a more formal piece of text.

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