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TA - Questionnaires

I went out to the public and peers in my class and asked them a series of questions to determine and find out more about my target audience, and formulated this data into pie charts for easier viewing and be able analyse it better.

The first question i asked was how old are you, this was to try gage who my target audience were and who to aim my magazines design at. From this data i found that the majority of my audience is going from late teens to early 20's and a smaller section for older and younger readers. This would suggest that my magazine should be more sophisticated and design elements used to attract this audience. Overall this is what i expected for my target audience.

Next, i asked my 15 participants which genre is their favourite and which they listen to the most. And as this was on my target audience the likely and actual outcome was Rap, Hip-hop and grime. These are all similar genres and are each covered from within my media product. This would suggest to me that the majority of people i interviewed would have a direct and helpful opinion for features and inclusions for my magazine.

The third question i asked was how many hours of music do you listen to a week? I done this to find out how much they are into music, too see if they are very invested into it suggesting they would buy the magazine. Most people listened to quite a lot of music with only 1 person listening to less than 1 hour of it a week. This shows to me that they would be a likely buyer of my magazine if they liked it, and knowing what they want is useful information.

I asked my target audience the question, what type of clothing do you wear, in order to find out how my model should dress in order to suit my genre the most and also so my readers have a relatable feel to the main artist, on the cover. For this i found my target audience prefer to dress in casual clothing and tracksuits, this follows along with the research I found off UK tribes, with new casuals and trackies dressing like this. This means i will dress my model in a similar way so my readership can relate to the artist on the front cover.

Next i asked what my target audience would be attracted too from a magazine. They suggested the main component was the main artist on the cover, this suggests to me than my photography, clothing, pose and stance from my model is extremely important for my magazine, and vital to attracting readers to my magazine. Also it is viewed as important by my target audience that colour scheme and coverlines are important as they are what draw customers to look at the magazine and convince them to purchase it.

The final question in my questionnaire was, about how much they would pay for a monthly magazine like mine. The majority vote was £4-£5, and more preferring to pay less than paying more than this amount, therefore i will base my products price based on this knowledge gained from my target audience.

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